By now you have no doubt heard terms like ‘Smart Home’ and ‘Internet of things (IOT)’. Maybe you even have an Amazon Alexa or Google home keeping you on schedule, dimming the lights or playing some smooth jazz in the background.
Whatever your experience with devices such as these, persons with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities can find the Internet of Things to be confusing and yet, life changing.
Everyday there are new IOT devices hitting the market. Many of them sound too good to be true, and sadly many of them are. Because of the way the tech industry works, many great ideas that launch today won’t be supported next year because their funding dried up or some bigger fish came along and gobbled up the market.
It is also easy to fall victim to what we call the “shiny object syndrome”. That device that looks really cool and if only I had that….only to find it six months later in a closet collecting dust because it didn't really fit the need.
Our goal with AbilityTech is to provide sound advice when consulting on these solutions. Tempering the excitement with understanding the limitations a solution brings before a single penny is spent.
If you are seeking a Smart Home/IOT solution and would like our assistance, click here.