
I was surprised…

…when I first discovered how rewarding it was to provide technology solutions for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I felt like I was actually impacting the lives of others. Those with little voice and influence in the world around them.

The idea of using technology was a fairly new concept when I stepped into the industry many years ago. Human services have provided the bulk of support within the IDD industry for decades.

However, a crises was looming just over the horizon and now it is here…

The current workforce shortage shows no signs of ending in the foreseeable future. We no longer have the ability to provide direct support to the levels we once could.

After several years of providing assistive technology solutions and remote support services, assisting service coordination, provider agencies, families, consumers and other key stakeholders one thing became clear…

More needs to be done to expand the knowledge, acceptance and adoption rate of support technology for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The people we serve deserve as much.

Using supportive technology improves lives, outcomes and independence.

This is the mission of AbilityTech…Let the adventure begin!

Ken Smith, Founder, AbilityTech LLC