Drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them.
— C. Everett Koop, M.D.

Medication adherence

Medication adherence usually refers to whether patients take their medications as prescribed (eg, twice daily), as well as if they continue to take a prescribed medication. Medication non-adherence is a growing concern to clinicians, healthcare systems, and other stakeholders because it is associated with adverse outcomes and higher costs of care.

From pill boxes, reminder calls, drop-ins and automatic pill dispensers, finding the right solution can be difficult and time consuming.

The fact is there is no perfect solution.

AbilityTech continues to test and research the latest options as well as provide feedback on what is tried and true. We are committed to providing your team with the best information so that you can make an informed choice.

We have partnered with a handful of solution providers for you to choose from, or we will direct you to one which best fits your needs.

If you would like to discuss your case in detail with us just click here!